DCJ Images was started in 2018 as a dream come true for Sondra (shown here with her husband and son). After being a stay at home mom for 15 years, Sondra decided to explore doing more with her favorite hobby, photography. This idea took hold when Sondra and her family had the opportunity to take some major trips. Afterwards, they were quite pleased with the photos she took and wondered if maybe she could do something with them.
Sondra’s interest in photography began at an early age. Her first camera was a hand-me-down Kodak Instamatic her dad gave her when he traded up for a Nikon SLR. In high school she saved her money and bought a used Konica SLR and never looked back. She still marvels at the changes in the photography field since her first photography class which involved developing black and white film and using enlargers in a dark room. Now she’s joined the digital world and does all her post production on her Mac.
Their sister company, DCJ Technology Services, LLC has already been utilizing Sondra’s photography skills and provided Sondra with her first paying photo gig thanks to Beth Mann at Cabinetry By Design, LLC. Sondra and Beth have been working together for over a year with Sondra taking the “post” photos of Beth’s kitchen and bath renovations. Sondra is very thankful to Beth for the opportunity to delve out into this area.
Sondra hopes to branch out into real estate photography as well as continuing to do landscape photography as she travels.